How to remove hidden devices from Windows

Properties > Hardware > Device Manager) Microsoft addresses this issue in their Knowledge Base article 269155, which is available at the time of this writing at: To resolve this problem, follow these steps to remove fancy undetected devices in the Device Manager and uninstall them from the registry: 1. Select Start> Run.
2. Enter cmd.exe and press Enter.
3. At the command prompt, run this command: set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1 4. Enter Start DEVMGMT.MSC and press Enter to start Device Manager.
5. Select View > Show Hidden Devices.
6. Expand all trees – you can just press “*” from the keypad on the “My Computer”
7. Right-click the dimmed items, and then select Uninstall.
8. Close Device Manager and reboot.]]>