… hannel=APL
There are some efforts to bring the wolves back – Yellowstone, Russia, Germany, etc. I’m happy to see that they’re making a comeback. ]]>
Author: admin
there’s no adoption in the caribou world …, I observed a baby calf, only a day old that couldn’t keep up with his mother. She went back to find him once, but after being unable to keep up a second time, was left struggling for himself. He finds other adult caribou, but none willing to help. (There’s no adoption in the caribou world.) Without the mother’s milk, he died after a day. Pretty sad, eh?]]>
if you sleep with them, you take away the fantasy …
China’s Internet censorship
The workaround that I’ve provided to one of my friends is to just modify their windows hosts file to fix this. Here are the steps:
1) Find the current IP for by going to: … org&type=A
On the page, you’ll see something like: A IN 60
The number there ( is the current IP address.
2) Open the hosts file by running:
notepad c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
notepad c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
At the beginning of the file, it should say something like this:
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
3) At the bottom of the file, add the line: wilma
The number there ( if the number is different from what’s on the page.
That’s it.]]>
Goals – Mark Victor Hansen
Problems – Joseph Sugarman
“”View every problem as an opportunity.” – Joseph Sugarman
Courage – Maxwell Maltz
– Maxwell Maltz]]>
Love – Wayne Dyer
-Wayne Dyer]]>
Herb Brooks – Brooksisms … 31027.html
“Don’t dump the puck in.”
“Throw the puck back and weave, weave, weave. But don’t just weave for the sake of weaving.”
“Let’s be idealistic, but let’s also be practical.”
From: … lden_goal/
# You’re playing worse every day, and right now you’re playing like the middle of the next month.
# Gentlemen, you don’t have enough talent to win on talent alone.
# Boys, in front of the net it’s bloody-nose alley.
# Don’t dump the puck in. That went out with short pants.
# Throw the puck back and weave, weave, weave. But don’t just weave for the sake of weaving.
# Let’s be idealistic, but let’s also be practical.
# You can’t be common because the common man goes nowhere. You have to be uncommon.]]>