If the offset is at 128 rather than 63, this won’t work. What you’ve done will not have hurt it though; you just need to rewrite it again. Go through the same process except after it’s done, go to x for expert mode, then b for byte and start it at 128. This is the case when creating vmfs volumes in Virtual Center 2.0.1 or higher.
Author: admin
MIME-tools-6.200_02 is older than MIME-tools-5.420 WTF!?
Timer Frequency settings under Solaris
The file to modify is /etc/system, a reboot is required, you need to add:
set hires_tick = 0
If you have the modular kernel debugger installed, you can check the settings:
mdb -k
> hires_tick/D]]>
to follow up …
If you’re going to use the SSHD stuff, along with the:
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 22 -j SSHD
you’ll also need:
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 22 -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT
if you’re staying in Vegas, stay on the strip
There’s a downside to it though – you get stuck in traffic and you run into the crowds, but that’s not all that bad. It’s nothing like being stuck in downtown San Francisco. All of the hotels there have parking garages.]]>
iptables notes
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s
iptables -A INPUT -p TCP –dport 389 -j REJECT
To allow ssh from anyone in the 192.168.x.x network:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -s –dport 22 -j ACCEPT
Things I did to set up sshdfilter:
iptables -N SSHD
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp –dport 22 -j SSHD
sshdfilter automatically sets up the drop if they try too many times to log in and fail.]]>
Pidgin / Gaim in Vista doesn’t show my Chinese / Japanese
After upgrading to Vista, gaim 2.0.0 beta 6 no longer showed the Chinese/Japanese characters anymore in the buddy list or the chat window. To fix this, I needed to change the theme for Windows. Go to the Control Panel / Personalization / Windows Color and Appearance and click on “Open classic appearance properties for more color options” if necessary. Else, just change the fonts here. I don’t know which on you need to change. I just changed everyone from Segoe UI to Tahoma. After doing this, it seemed that things in Windows ran faster and my fonts now displayed properly!
some brutal knockouts
ESX 3.0.x – vmware-hostd is not cool …
If you’re using autostart for your VMs. You’ll have to be very careful because it will SHUTDOWN your VMs!
The way autostart works in 3.0.x is that your autostart will automatically start the VMs with hostd and shutdown with hostd, so you don’t want to be restarting mgmt-vmware if you’re using autostart for your VMs.
fails to deploy templates …