monitor_control.disable_apic= “TRUE” |”FALSE”
Disable VM APIC (interupt) Mode
Enable support for Windows Terminal Service e Metaframe
tools.syncTime= “TRUE” |”FALSE”
Enable/Disable Time Synchronization
keyboard.typematicMinDelay = µs
Delay auto repeat
Autostart VM when ESX start
tools.remindInstall = “FALSE” |”TRUE”
Turning Off Warning about VMware Tools Version
Wait n seconds before to start
autostop=”poweroff” | “poweron”
Autostop VM when ESX stop
Gui.ExitOnCliHlt= “TRUE” |”FALSE”
Wait n seconds before to stop
autostop=”poweroff” | “poweron”
Autostop VM when ESX stop
Wait n seconds before to stop
gui.restricted = “TRUE” |”FALSE”
restrict user access to the GUI edit
logging = “FALSE”
Disabling Logging for a Virtual Machine Created by ESX Server
log.filename = logfile
Changing the Virtual Machine’s Log File Location on a GSX Server
for Linux Host or ESX Server System
gui.maxconnection = “n”
Set n console max connection
svga.noOffscreen =”TRUE” | “FALSE”
enables/disables the off-screen display buffer for a VM]]>