Obviously, if everything’s right, it won’t fail, but here, it’s more a bug than anything else. In this case, if you use dedicated NICs just for VMotion and you’ve just a crossover cable between the 2 nics, you may have a problem if you’re using the same network IP addresses for the Vmotion IPs. It seems to want to look for the router or something. You’ll see that it logs in both boxes, so you may want to rule out the networking issue, but you can’t in this case. The logs on both sides will indicate timeout. In this case, both of the servers are on the 10.x.x.x/24 network and the VMotion and iSCSI networks have ip addresses that were both 10.x.x.x/24, but the VMotion nics can’t access the router. The fix is easy. Just change the IPs to something that the server doesn’t know about … something like or something.