How to change user for Admin Server
Problem Statement:
S1DS 5.2(compressed archive) does not offer the option of specifying the
owner of the admin server during installation. When you specify
non-privilege user, such as nobody, for directory server, admin server is
also running as same non-privilage user as well as directory server.
Therefore, if you specify privilege port in unix (<1024) for the directory
server, this will result in not being able to start / restart the directory
server instance via the console.
Troubleshooting Steps:
If admin server is running as user except for root, you can't change the user
for admin server via cosole.
Here is a steps to change user for Admin server by hand.
** admin server should be stopped before conducting this procedure, but
ns-slapd for configuration instance should be on-line.
1. change directive named 'User' in
ServerRoot/admin-serv/config/magnus.conf to 'root' by text editor.
2. change file owner under ServerRoot/admin-serv to user you want as follows
a. # cd
b. # chown -R root *
3. change attribute ‘nsSuiteSpotUser’ of admin server configuration entry
in your Directorty Server like
dn: cn=configuration, cn=admin-serv-
Server, cn=Server Group, cn=
to the user you want to change to.
For example) in case of using ldapsearch
a. do the following ldapsearch to determine target entry
#./ldapsearch -p
dn:cn=configuration, cn=admin-serv-test, cn=Administration Server,
cn=Server Group,,, o=NetscapeRoot
b. modify usr in attribute nsSuiteSpotUser of this entry to ‘root’
# ldapmodify -p
cn=Server Group,,, o=NetscapeRoot
changetype: modify
replace: nsSuiteSpotUser
nsSuiteSpotUser: root
modifying entry cn=configuration, cn=admin-serv-test,
cn=Administration Server, cn=Server Group,,, o=NetscapeRoot
you can also do same modification via directory TAB in directory
server console.